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Adding an Assignment to a Lesson

Zenler's assignment system allows you to monitor student progress, collect submissions, provide feedback, and control course flow

Zenler Support avatar
Written by Zenler Support
Updated over a year ago

Adding an assignment to your course is easy.

First, go to 'Courses' then click the 'Course' you want to add the assignment to.

Next go to 'Curriculum' > 'Add Lesson' to a section. Here, 'Other Media' section.

Enter 'Lesson Name' and 'Save Changes'.

To ensure that students complete the assignment before moving on to the next section of the course, you can check the 'Set as Compulsory' option.

However, if you prefer students to proceed without any interruptions, leave this option unchecked.

Next, select the 'Assignment' in the 'Add Content' section

It will open up 'Add Assignment' window.

Enter 'Assignment Title' & 'Assignment Description'. Use the 'WYSIWYG Editor' tools to format the text (size, colour, style etc.), add links & images to your assignments.

In this example, we have included a simple questionnaire with questions that need to be answered. We have specified that this assignment is compulsory and requested the submission of video images to facilitate progress in the course. We have a set of questions that students are required to answer in order to proceed.

'Assignment Type'

Tick the box for 'Text Input' if you require students to write the answers as part of the assignment.

If the assignment requires students to submit files (i.e. a screenshot of their site as an image), enable the 'File Uploads' option as well.

Next, specify the 'Maximum File Size'. 100MB is large enough for images, but if you require larger files for videos, you can change it to 500MB or even 1GB.

'Upload Additional Reference (if any)'

This option allows you to supply additional material for the students i.e. PDF file for handout sheets. Simply click 'Drop files here to upload' > choose a file > click 'Open'

'Approve Assignment before Continuing'

If this checkbox is left unchecked, it means that students can submit the assignment or even bypass the page without submitting anything, and they can proceed with the course. However, if you want to review, Approve, Request resubmission, or Reject the assignment submitted by the student, check this option.

When your assignment is completed, just click 'Add'.

The assignment is now completed. Notice that the "Approve Assignment before Continuing" checkbox is not ticked. It's not too late to go back by clicking the edit button and tick the box.

Go to 'Preview' to view your 'Course Curriculum as a Student'.

Then, navigate to 'Other Media' & select 'Assignment' you just added. Note that everything is as set up earlier.

Next, scroll down the page to the 'Comments' section by default.

This private section allows you, as the admin, to communicate directly with the student or other users in the course. Unlike 'Discussions', other users cannot see the comments written here. It is a comment section specific to each user and remains private between you and the respective student in the course.

Log In as a Student.

(If you need instructions on how to log in as a student, please refer to the support document on 'Testing as a Student').

Just to test that everything in the assignment is working fine, you, as a test student complete the questions, upload a file & click 'Submit Assignment'.

After the assignment has been submitted, scroll down the page and test the 'Comments' section. To do so, write a comment and click 'Add Comment'.

Mange Assignments

Now, let's see how you, as the instructor, can manage assignments from your admin dashboard.

Go to 'Courses' > 'Assignments'. It shows that one assignment was just submitted by you as a test student.

Go to 'Assignments' > 'Recent Submissions' > click 'Manage'

Here, you will see all the submitted content. Please check if all the content and files are submitted correctly. Additionally, review the comments section to ensure that everything is working fine.

'Evaluate' the submitted assignment.

'Action' you can take as an instructor: 'Approve', 'Reject' or 'Resubmit'.

In this scenario, we 'Approve'. You will be asked to 'Write your Feedback' & click 'Approve'

As soon as you approve the assignment, this 'Notify' box will appear to let the students know about their assignment.

Tick the checkbox to 'Send Email Notification to XY' & click 'Notify'.

Another way to notify your student is via the 'Comments' section.

Go back to 'Assignments' section & you can see that the status has now changed from "Pending" to "Approved".

This is how your student is going to view their assignment page, once the assignment has been reviewed by you.

'Status' (i.e. approved), 'Who Reviewed the Assignment' & 'Feedback'.

Assignments provide a powerful way to monitor your students' progress through your courses and receive submissions from them in both text and file upload formats. Additionally, you can provide them with supporting documentation, making assignments highly effective. It is an enterprise-level assignment system integrated directly into the Zenler platform.

Also, watch the video on 'Adding an Assignment to a Lesson'

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