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LIVE - Using Automations for Your Live Sessions
LIVE - Using Automations for Your Live Sessions
Zenler Support avatar
Written by Zenler Support
Updated over a week ago

Automations enable automatic email dispatches when a person registers for a live event. This document describes the automation of Live Webinars, the same is valid for Live Interactive Webinars, 1-1 Bookings, and Live Classes. The same underlying concepts apply to all Automations, as predetermined actions in the platform will activate automatic emails.

Please note that the live event should be created before setting up Automation for it.

Go to Live & Live Webinar. Select & click already created webinar.

Go to Automation.

Webinar Registration Email & Webinar Reminder Sequence are set by default.

Registration Email is marked as Live, which means it's active. To edit an automated live click Edit Action.

Click Send Mail - Webinar Registration Email box & it will open the Edit Action window on your right with all the information of the automated registration email.

Edit the email as you wish & scroll down to the bottom of the email.

Notice Attach Calendar Event option for participants to add to their Google Calendar.

Click Preview to see how the e-mail will look before it goes out.

You can Send Test Email to yourself. Enter your Email Address, then click Send Test and check your email account for this email to be delivered.

Please note, you always need to have the Mailing Address & Unsubscribe Link in the footer of the email or somewhere within the email. Otherwise, you will not be able to send this email out as it conflicts with GDPR.

Once you finished editing, click Save Changes.

This message comes up 'Apply to Existing Users'. As we have no users in here, we do not want to apply this to existing users. If we do want to apply this email and send this email to existing people that have registered, you can click yes. Generally, click No.

Notice that the action is Live by default. If you wish to pause this, Turn OFF the 'Make this Action Live' button. This means that the registration email will not be sent out when people register as it's paused now. You can turn it back on as you wish.

Go to Webinar Reminder Sequence & click Webinar Reminder Email - 1 Hour Before. It will open up the email content. This email is set up to go out one hour before the scheduled time of the event to remind people that it's about to start.

To make this action Live, Turn ON 'Make this Action Live'.

Once you finished editing click Save Changes.

There is another action, Webinar Reminder Email - 1 Day Before the scheduled event time. So here's a 24-hour event.

If you forget to make the action live, after you click Save Changes, this message will appear to remind you to make this action live, just click Yes.

We can Add Action, for example, another webinar reminder 1 week before the event. Click Add Action & Send Mail.

Set the correct Delay time to 1 week. This action is not set up by default but added by you, so you need to enter all the details in the email & Save Changes.

Let's add another action, this time in the Register-Mail Sequence. Click Add Action & Notify Admin. You will get a notification e-mail as soon as someone registers for your live event.

Remember this email only goes to you as you are the admin

Customize your Notification Email, make it Live & Save Changes.

Add Tag. You might want to add a tag for your users to be able to filter them easily. For example, whenever someone registers for your live event you can tag them.

Go to Add Action & Add Tag.

Go to Add Action & Add Tag. In the Tag box, type i.e. 121 for 1 - 1 booking participants.

You can add more tags by putting a comma between them. Generally, it is advised to use only one tag.

Make it Live & click Save Changes.

This message will appear 'Apply to Existing Users!' If you click Yes, it will add the new tag to the existing users. If you only want to add the tag to new people, then select No.

Make sure all your automation is set up and working before anyone registers. In case a situation arises where you need to make changes, you have the choice to implement them for either existing users or new users who join the live.

How to Remove Tag? Go to Add Action & Remove Tag.

When to Remove Tag? For instance, if someone who is newly registered was tagged as 121, you can remove the tag.

In the Delay option, you can set up when you want to remove this tag: After registration, On a specific date, or Before Scheduled Time. And be specific about what tag you want to remove, in this case, 121.

Make it Live & Save Changes.

It is helpful for people who want to keep track of people coming through their automation.

One final note, please check all Lives before you make them public. Check & test that all your lives and automations are working by sending tests to yourselves and double-checking your timings on when things go out from the automated system.

On Advanced Filtering, please see Support Docs for more information.

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