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Live Class - Basic Set Up
Live Class - Basic Set Up
Zenler Support avatar
Written by Zenler Support
Updated over a week ago

Setting up a live class. Go to Live, Live Class and Create Live Class.

Topic: The Live Class topic

Type: Select if it is a Single or Recurring class

Single - Users can register for only one schedule at a time.
​Recurring Session - Users can attend all the recurring sessions in a single registration

When: You can schedule the time for the Live Class
​Add Schedule - You can add multiple schedules for the Live Class

Timezone: Select your time zone

Maximum Number of Registrants: You can set the maximum number of registrants for a single schedule.
​Duration: The duration of the Live class can be set here.
Please note, you can run 15 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes in a normal session. Extending session is 1 hour 45 to 2 hours and you can run super extended sessions from 2 hours 15 minutes up to 4 hours. Please note this uses up some of your Zenler live minutes.

Inbuilt Password Protection:

Ask Password when Joining:


Public: Live Classes will be visible to all on the Calendar and Upcoming Live Classes block.

Secret: Live Classes will NOT be visible to all on the Calendar and Upcoming Live Classes block. Only the students with a direct register link can register for this live class

Courses: The Live class will be visible for students enrolled in the selected courses.

Automatic Cloud Recording: You can ON or OFF this option

Change the Image.

Once you set up the live class details, click Next.

Choose a Theme. All themes are highly customizable. Click Finish.

Zenler will create your Pages. You have a Register, Thank You, Waiting & Replay Page. Go to Register Page and click Edit Page.

This is our default theme. Zenler uses the Page Builder using dynamic blocks to add colours and change the design layout. Notice the dynamic gold blocks. They hold content that you entered earlier such as the class topic, the time & date, or the countdown. These blocks should be kept as they are although you can still change the colours and design in Settings. Once you are finished, click Save.

Go through SEO Setting & click Done.

This will bring you back to the Register Page. Next, go to Thank You Page and then Waiting Page & Replay Page and repeat the process, making them look the way you like.

Once you are finished with all pages, click Save & Close the Tab.

Go to a new section, Pricing for live class & live interactive webinars & click Add New Plan.

You can also set Automations up for your Live. Automations are automatically sent out emails based on triggers or events.

Live Class Registration Email is live already by default. Click Edit.

Here you can brand and design your email, such as adding logos or changing the text.

Please note like all automation, you have settings to Personalize

You can set the emails to go out based on different actions such as Delay, choose from After, On, or Before Scheduled Time.

You can choose more options for your email by 'Add Action'.

Next, Registered Users or people registered for the Live can be seen in this section.

Cloud Recording. If you turn on the cloud recording on any of your lives, you will have a link here which enables you to download the files from the cloud.

Once your live has been set up, you can then add this live to a course. Let's create a live course lesson.

Go to Courses and choose a course where you want to add your live class and click Edit.

Go to Curriculum & Add Lesson. Type in the Lesson Name. Next, Add Content > Live. The dialog box will appear, choose the live lesson you would like to add to your course and click Done. The dialog box will disappear, click Save Changes.

This live class is now available to students within this course. Go to Preview & Course Curriculum as a Student.

Go to Live Class. Your students will need to book their spot to be on the Live.

If you don't want to use your live class in your course, but want it to be a paid-for live class, you can send the link to people to register. Go back to Register Page and copy URL.

Let's set up Pricing for this paid for live. Go to Pricing and click Add New Plan.

Fill in all the details and click Add.

See a new Pricing of $10 for this live class.

Let's view the Register Page. Copy URL and go into New Incognito Window.

You've Gone Incognito. Paste URL in the tab and press Enter.

This is your Register Page. Click Register Now.

You will be taken to the payment page where you can pay $10 to participate in live class.

Please remember you can charge independently for a live class or you can add live class to a course.

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