To edit the Course Details click on the Course Details tab.
There you can edit the Course Title and Course Subtitle at any time.
3. You can also edit the Course URL to change it to whatever you want it to be.
4. Use the Copy icon (sheets of paper icon) to copy the Course URL at any time.
5. To add an Instructor to this Course simply type their name in the Instructor box - the instructor details will then automatically appear on the Instructor blocks on the Sales page.
6. You can also assign a Category for this course if needed. If you haven't created any Category yet, click on the Manage Categories link to Create one.
Course Settings
7. There are also some specific settings that you can apply for this Course:
Make the Course Featured
This means that the Course will appear in the Featured Courses block. Note that you would need to publish the course for it to be listed.
Make the Course Price Hidden
Here the Course will be visible on your site but the students will need to contact you to discover the price and purchase the course.
Make the Course Secret
These Courses will not be visible on your site. Only students with a direct link to the course can access it.
8. Certificates. Click the check box next to Enable Certificates for this course to enable certificates to be available for students on completion of this course.
9. Select a Certificate style from the Choose a Certificate Design drop down.
10. If you are looking to use your own Custom Certificate designs you can do that as well! Click on the Manage Certificates link to open the All Certificates area where you can add your own custom certificate.
11. After you are done with changes hit the 'Update' button to save any changes.