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Adding a new Quiz to a Lesson

Learn to add quizzes to your curriculum with Zenler. Set a pass rate, customize question types and style to match your branding.

Zenler Support avatar
Written by Zenler Support
Updated over 4 months ago

To add a quiz to your course, go to 'Courses' and select the 'Course' where you want to add the quiz.

Next, go to 'Curriculum' and open the Section. Example: open the lesson 'Other Media' drop down menu.

Click 'Add Lesson' and fill in 'Lesson Name'. Let us add a name "Quiz". Then click 'Save Changes'

Please note that the lesson type can be named anything you prefer.

'Add Content' > 'Quiz'

You will be asked for a title for your quiz.

You can also choose the quiz to be 'Graded' with a pass rate %. For example, we can set a pass rate of 90%, meaning that students need to answer at least 90% of the questions correctly to pass the quiz.

When you create a graded quiz, you can set a requirement that students must 'pass this quiz before continuing'. This means that if they do not score 90% or higher, they will not be able to move forward.

Click 'Add' Quiz.

This will take you to the quiz area where we can begin setting up the questions.

The quiz title will appear at the top left corner of the area. To navigate through the curriculum, simply click on the left arrow next to the Quiz Title.

Welcome Page

This is the first page that appears when the student starts the quiz.

You can easily modify the text on the page by clicking directly on it.

To modify the button label [Start], navigate to the Language section on the right panel.

If you prefer not to display this page to students, you can deactivate it by sliding the button next to it.

How to add a question

To add questions, simply click the [+ Add] button.

After clicking the Add button, you will be able to view the various types of questions.

  • Multiple Choice

  • Multiple Response

  • True/False

  • Media

  • Sequence

  • Matching

Multiple Choice:

We will input a question and variable answers based on it as an example.


Which of the following is true?


Zenler has no way to create funnels

Zenler does not have the ability to add lives

Zenler has all the options

Mark the correct answer ('Zenler has all of the options') by enabling the tick mark.

Answering Settings:

'Required' - this question needs to be answered by the attendee before continuing to the next question.

'Randomize' - show the answers in a random order, so each attendee will see a different sequence of answers for each question.

'Vertical Alignment' - The options will be arranged vertically.

Next, click 'Save'

Multiple Response

You can add questions and answers similar to Multiple Choice questions, but there is the option to set multiple correct answers.


Which of the following is correct regarding Zenler?


Zenler has a way to create funnels

Zenler has the ability to add lives

Zenler does not have any of the above options

Here you can set multiple correct answers


Q: Zenler has the ability to create blogs.

A: True

Mark the correct answer by clicking '✓'


Q: Which is the largest animal on land?

You can upload the images by clicking on the image icon shown on each option.

Set the correct answer by enabling the tick mark '✓'.


Add the question and arrange the options in the correct order.

When displayed to students, the options will be shuffled, allowing attendees to drag and drop them while answering.


Add the question, placing options on the left side and the correct matches on the right side.

When displayed to students, the order will be shuffled, allowing attendees to drag and drop options to match them while answering.

Thank You Page

The default Thank You page will appear as shown in the following image. You can edit the text to suit your needs.

Result Page:

This page will be displayed to students if the Graded option is enabled.

Quiz Settings


  • Passing Grade: A passing percentage can be set here

  • Enable Retake: You can enable the retake option and set a retake count for the students

  • Enable Review: Allow attendees to review the quiz answers

  • Enable Navigation: Allow attendees to navigate through different questions during the quiz

  • Show Result on Each Question: This allows the attendee to know the result of each question immediately when they answered

  • Randomize Questions: Shuffle the questions each time when the attendee tries to attend the quiz


  • Enable Progress bar: Showing attendees how far they are into the quiz and how many questions they've completed

  • Enable Timer: Sets a time limit for the quiz, requiring attendees to complete it within the specified time frame


The theme of the Quiz can be changed by selecting the theme


The button names can be changed from here.

Old Quizzes: Zenler no longer supports old quizzes. We strongly recommend migrating to the new quizzes to avoid any issues. Please note that support will not be able to migrate or access old quiz data.

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