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Import Quizzes

This document provides instructions on importing quiz questions in bulk

Zenler Support avatar
Written by Zenler Support
Updated over a year ago

Go to Course > Curriculum and then add a Quiz.
An icon Import Questions can be seen next to the Add option.

Click the Import Questions icon.
Click the button UPLOAD CSV FILE
Browse for the CSV file containing the Quiz questions and upload the same.

Note: To successfully import the questions, you must adhere to the format specified in the sample CSV file provided on the interface. Download the file, edit it as needed, and ensure that you follow the specified format.

The sample CSV file, depicted in the image below, must include essential fields such as questionType, question, description, options 1, 2, 3, and so forth.

How to set correct answers:

Multiple Choice: Precede the correct option with an asterisk (*).
Multiple Response: Precede the correct options with an asterisk (*).
True/False: Precede the correct option with an asterisk (*).
Sequence: Add the options in the correct order.

Matching: Compose the correct pair with '|' as the separator.


  • You can import up to 30 questions at a time. Any additional questions added to the same CSV file will be excluded during the import process. If you need to import more questions, you must upload them in a separate file.

  • Maximum file size: 5MB.

  • Only files with the ".csv" extension can be uploaded.

  • The quiz import feature currently only supports five question types: Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, True/False, Sequence, and Matching. Media, scripts, URLs, and embed codes are not currently supported for quiz import.

After uploading the CSV file containing the questions, they will be added to your quiz.

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