Designing Your Thank You Page
Zenler Support avatar
Written by Zenler Support
Updated over a week ago

To access the 'Thank You Page', go to 'Courses' > Click 'Course' that you've already created.

Next, click 'Pages'.

'Thank You Page' is the third page in the sequence through the sale of your course or membership. First, they go to the sales page, then they proceed to the checkout page to buy or purchase your product, and finally, they reach the thank you page, which then redirects them to the course access page.

'Thank You Page' can be highly customized by clicking the 'Edit' icon.

It will open a new tab, ensuring that you do not lose the original page. This is very convenient for you as the designer of your site.

IMPORTANT: We provide comprehensive 'Support Documents' on using the 'Page Builder', which is what we use to design pages within Zenler.

The brief explanation of 'Page Builder' demonstrates that you have a main 'Block', shown in blue.

And The 'Element' shown in red.

To make modifications to the main block, go to 'Settings' to change 'Background Color', 'Background Image', 'Alignment', 'Spacing' & more.

It is the same for the 'Element'.

The text within can be changed by accessing the settings for each element and selecting the desired color, font size, font, or font style.

One important thing to note is the presence of a 'Dynamic Block', marked in gold. This block pulls content directly from your course when it's set up. Exercise caution when removing it, and if you do remove it, ensure that you test everything to see it still functions correctly.

For instance, the button 'Continue to Course' on this page leads to the course 'Access Page', which is a private area accessible only to those who have purchased your course or membership. If you were to delete this whole block or button, people would have no means of reaching the course access page.

In such cases, if you were designing your own page, you would need to insert a button and link it to this page using the provided URL.

Also watch the video on 'Designing Your Thank You Page'

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