Adding SCORM/HTML to a Lesson

Learn how to upload HTML or SCORM packages to Zenler lessons. Enhance student learning with interactive materials!

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Written by Zenler Support
Updated over a week ago

Uploading an HTML or SCORM package to your Zenler lesson is easy.

Uploading a video to your courses from the dashboard is easy.

First, go to 'Courses' then click the 'Course' you want to add new lesson ~ HTML or SCORM package.

Next go to 'Curriculum' > 'Add Lesson' in the section (eg. 'Other Media').

Enter 'Lesson Name' & 'Save Changes'.

Next, select the 'SCORM/HTML' in 'Add Content' section.

It will open up 'Upload SCORM/HTML ZIP' window. Enter 'Title' for your 'SCORM/HTML Package'.

You can 'Drop ZIP files to upload' into the selected area or select one from the 'Library' if you have already uploaded it there.

Click 'Drop ZIP files here to upload'.

Locate & select your 'HTML/SCORM Package Zip File', then click 'Open'.

Next, click 'Start Upload'.

Now you will be asked to 'Select Default File' which is the starting page of the package. Typically, this file is called something like "index.html".

We can select from the pages of the package by scrolling down the dropdown and choosing the desired page. In this case, there is 2 pages in the ZIP file & we want page 1 to show first, so we select page 1 & click 'Select'.

Once it's uploaded, go to 'Preview' to view your 'Course Curriculum as a Student'.

Then, navigate to 'Other Media' & select 'HTML/SCORM' lesson you just uploaded.

You can instantly see the page brought in by Zenler on the right-hand side.

You can switch between two pages and add various content, images, and videos to each page. You can have as many pages as you like, and if it's been designed as an HTML package, there could be a nice-looking menu system to run along the top.

The same applies to SCORM, which can be very complex when exported out, but Zenler can make the SCORM package work effectively on the platform.

In summary, uploading an HTML or SCORM package to a lesson within Zenler is a simple process that allows you to bring in various types of content and make them accessible to your students.

NOTE: If you're using SCORM, it's important to check the version number inside our support documentation to ensure it's supported by Zenler.

Also, watch the video on 'Adding SCORM/HTML to a Lesson'

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