Uploading Videos to Zenler

Learn how to easily upload videos to your Zenler course curriculum from the dashboard. Bulk upload available.

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Written by Zenler Support
Updated over a week ago

Uploading a video to your courses from the dashboard is easy.

First, go to 'Courses' then click the 'Course' you want to add the video to.

Next go to 'Curriculum' > 'Add Lesson' in the section (eg.'Other Media')

Enter 'Lesson Name' & 'Save Changes'.

Next, select the 'Video' in 'Add Content' section & choose the video you want to upload. If the video file size exceeds 2GB, it is recommended that you use 'Handbrake', a free tool to reduce video size.

When you upload a video, it may take a few minutes to process. During this time, you may see bars indicating that the video is still processing. Once processing is complete, a thumbnail of the video will appear.

Go to 'Preview' to view your 'Course Curriculum as a Student'.

Then, navigate to 'Other Media' & select 'Video' you just uploaded.

If you encounter a 'Player Error', simply refresh the screen as it may still be processing. Once processing is complete, you can play the video by clicking on it. And that's it! You've successfully uploaded a video to your Zenler course curriculum.

Also, watch the video on 'You Can Upload Video to Your Course'

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