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Affiliate Program
Zenler Support avatar
Written by Zenler Support
Updated over 2 years ago

Affiliate is someone who can market your courses.


For now, you would have to add a user on your site as an Affiliate and assign the list of courses. i.e., There is NO public affiliate sign-up now (on the list for later).


You can add new affiliate from Site -> People -> Affiliate

While adding a new Affiliate you will have an option "Send a Notification Email to the user (including a reset password link)" to notify the Affiliate.

If you select this option, the user will get a notification email sent with a reset password link. If you do not select this option, you would need to handle the emails yourselves in Automation or Broadcast.

The sample notification mail sends to the Affiliate will be as follows.

And you can edit this email content from Site -> Languages -> System emails.

After adding a new Affiliate you can click the Action: Edit button to update the affiliate details.

>> Under Affiliate -> Courses tab you can find the list of courses in which the Affiliate has enrolled.

And you can manually enroll in the courses if necessary.

>> Affiliate -> Purchases this section shows the details of courses that are purchased by the Affiliate.

>> The Affiliate Details section shows pieces of information such as...

Affiliate Commission: The commission set for each course promotion.

Affiliate Code: This code will be unique for each affiliate.

Affiliate Sample Link: The link for promotion. They can modify it with course URL, etc.

Active: Current Status of Affiliate. Affiliate will get commission only if active is 'On'.

Affiliate Access Level: Either a specific course or All courses, you can specify.

Affiliate Program details available in the Student Side

The Affiliate will have an Affiliate option listed in the drop-down menu.

The Overview section under each affiliate account contains- Affiliate id, Affiliate Commission, Affiliate URL to be promoted.

The Sales tab shows the list of Sales carried out by the Affiliate.

Affiliate payout details will be listed under the Payout section.

From the Payment Settings tab, the Affiliate can update their PayPal account details.

Once the Affiliate updates their PayPal ID from their account it will get reflected in the admin side -> Affiliate details too.

Affiliate Program Settings

You can set the Affiliate promotion link cookie expiry days from here... By default, it will be 30 days.

How you can process Affiliate Payouts?

You can find the Affiliate payment details under the Affiliate program section.

You can payout the affiliate manually from your Payment gateway and can mark it as Paid in your Zenler account.

1. Check what's due in reports.

2. Do payout yourselves using your payment gateway.

3. Mark them as paid.


  1. Currently, we don't have the 'Become an Affiliate' option. So you have to add the affiliates manually.

  2. You can create coupon applied URL for the affiliate as follows: <course url>?affiliate=affID&coupon=code

  3. "Affiliate ID (affiliate=aff_ID) can be added to any site URL just like;

  4. You can find the Affiliate payment details under the Affiliate program section. For now, you can pay out the affiliate manually from your Payment gateway and can mark it as Paid in your Zenler account.
    (i) Check what's due in reports.
    (ii) Do payout yourself using your payment gateway.
    (iii) Mark them as paid.

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