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Creating Bulk Coupons in Zenler
Creating Bulk Coupons in Zenler

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create and manage bulk coupons in Zenler.

Zenler Support avatar
Written by Zenler Support
Updated over a month ago

Bulk Coupons allow course creators and administrators to generate multiple discount codes at once, making it easier to offer promotions, special deals, and limited-time discounts to a large group of users.

How to Create Bulk Coupons:

  • Go to "Sites" or "Courses".

  • Choose the option "Coupons" from the left navigation bar.

  • This will take you to the Zenler coupon area. Click on "Create Coupon".

If you have already created a coupon, you can add a new coupon by clicking on "Add Coupon".

Next, you will be taken here:

Steps to create a Bulk coupon:

  • Coupon Title: Add a Coupon Title.

  • Prefix: Add a prefix.
    Note: The prefix will be added to the beginning of each coupon code in the bulk generation. Only letters (A-Z) and numbers (0-9) are supported in the prefix.

  • No. of Coupons: Specify how many coupons you want to generate.

    Note: You can generate up to 1,000 coupons in a single batch. Each coupon is restricted to one-time redemption per user. Once a coupon is redeemed by a user, it cannot be used again.

  • Description: Add a description for the coupon.

  • Discount Type: Choose a discount type - percentage or amount.
    Note: For percentage discounts, enter a number, such as 50, to indicate a 50% discount.
    For an amount discount, enter the exact amount, such as 50 pounds, for a course that costs 100 pounds.

  • Applicable to: Select "All Products" if the coupon has to be applicable for all courses/bundles/live elements. Select "Specific Products" if the coupon has to be applicable to a specific course/bundle/live element. If the discount type chosen is "amount", you cannot apply the coupon to "All Products".

  • Expiry: Select an expiry date for the coupon if desired.

  • Recurring Discount: Select how the discount should be applied for recurring payments.
    Apply discount during every billing: If you choose this option, the discount will be applied to every billing.
    Apply discount for the first billing only: If you choose this option, the discount will be applied for the first billing only.
    You can set the coupon to apply for a certain number of months only too.

  • Click the "Add" button to save the coupon

    Now you will see the following message as it may take some time. Click OK.

After you generate the bulk coupons, their initial status will be Processing.
Allow some time for the system to complete the creation process before the coupons are fully active.

Once the processing is complete, the status will be updated. You can click on the status to view the generated coupons.
Once the coupon creation is done, you will see a Click here link under Coupon Code section.

When you click on 'Click here,' the generated coupons will be displayed along with their details, including the Title, Description, Applicability, Prefix, total number of coupons created, how many coupons used, and Discount Value etc.

Additionally, you can search for coupons by coupon code and filter them based on usage (Used and Available).

You can also download the coupons as a TXT file. A download icon is available at the top right corner of the Coupons page, allowing you to download bulk-created coupons in TXT format.

Coupons that have not been redeemed will display a status of 'Available.' Once a coupon is redeemed by a user, its status will be updated to 'Used.

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